Friday, January 30, 2009

Here i'm lying down on my bed , thinking what interesting / etc . things happened . I really hate to blog , but since i created one why kill one . Anyway CNY holidays just passed and school really suck nowadays . Got a bloody bitch co-form teacher and a guailan form teacher :O How matching couple they are :) Coming up event of the year is Valentine's Day! Which is like another 2/3 weeks ? I got to shed those layers of disgusting oily fats man . Seeing it makes me feel like taking a knife , cut it , roast it , sell it . Zzz . I miss my darling baby so much , even thou we had some tiffs for the pass week . But i still luv her as much , she knows best . :)
I really hate this Chaoyang from my school , fucking buang ass hope that person kanna car bang . Fuck .

Roses are red , violets are blue .